Preserving Your Home’s Foundation: A Guide to Watering Your Slab During Texas Drought Conditions

As the scorching heat of a Texan summer intensifies and drought conditions become a reality, homeowners across the state are faced with a critical responsibility: preserving the foundation of their homes. A solid foundation is essential for the structural integrity of your house, ensuring it stands strong against the test of time. In these trying times, it’s crucial to understand the significance of watering your home’s foundation slab and the potential consequences of neglecting this essential task.

Your home’s foundation serves as the bedrock upon which your house is built. In Texas, where expansive clay soils are prevalent, the foundation can be particularly susceptible to shifting and settling during drought conditions. When the soil dries out, it contracts and can cause your foundation to shift, leading to cracks, uneven floors, and a myriad of structural issues. Taking preventive measures to maintain the moisture balance around your foundation can make a significant difference in the long-term stability of your home.

Drought conditions exacerbate the risk of foundation problems by causing the soil to shrink, pulling away from your foundation. This movement can lead to a variety of issues, including:

  1. Cracks in walls and ceilings: As the foundation shifts, it can cause cracks to form in the walls and ceilings of your home, compromising both aesthetics and structural integrity.
  2. Uneven floors: A shifting foundation can result in sloping or uneven floors, making it challenging to open doors and windows properly.
  3. Sticking doors and windows: When the foundation settles unevenly, doors and windows may become difficult to open or close, indicating potential foundation issues.
  4. Plumbing problems: Shifting soil can affect your plumbing system, leading to leaks, blockages, and other plumbing issues.

Properly watering your foundation during drought conditions is a simple yet effective way to mitigate potential damage. By maintaining consistent moisture levels in the soil surrounding your foundation, you can help prevent soil shrinkage and subsequent foundation movement. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Regular Watering: Set up a regular watering schedule using soaker hoses or a drip irrigation system. Water your foundation for about 15-20 minutes, twice a day, during dry periods.
  2. Optimal Timing: Water your foundation early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler. This reduces water loss due to evaporation.
  3. Even Distribution: Ensure that the water is distributed evenly around the perimeter of your home, focusing on the area between the foundation and the landscaping.
  4. Monitor Soil Moisture: Invest in a moisture meter to monitor the soil moisture levels and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

It’s important to note that many homeowners’ insurance policies in Texas do not cover damage to a slab caused by earth movement, including foundation issues resulting from drought conditions. To protect your investment and ensure the longevity of your home, taking proactive steps to prevent foundation damage becomes even more critical.

At McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas, we are committed to providing you with the information you need to safeguard your home and assets. As experts in home insurance, we encourage you to take the necessary precautions to protect your foundation during drought conditions and maintain a safe and stable living environment for years to come.


Hey there, Texas investors exploring the world of property investment! If you’re eager to dip your toes into the real estate market, it’s essential to understand the importance of insurance. Fear not, we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll break down the basics of property insurance for investors in the Lone Star State, and we’ll introduce McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas – your go-to agency for all your insurance needs!

So, what exactly is property insurance, and why do property investors need it? Well, imagine you’ve managed to snag that perfect apartment, single-family home, duplex, or even a trendy tiny home to rent out or flip for profit. Property insurance is like a safety net that protects your investment from unforeseen disasters like fires, floods, storms, and other damages. It helps ensure that you won’t be left high and dry if something unexpected happens.

McCorkle Insurance. Located in Webster, Texas, we are experts in handling insurance for property investors just like you. Whether you’re dealing with a fancy downtown apartment or a cozy suburban duplex, McCorkle Insurance has tailored solutions to suit your needs.

Here are some key features they offer:

  1. Customizable Policies: Every property investment is unique, and McCorkle Insurance understands that. They will work with you to create a personalized insurance plan that aligns with your specific investment portfolio.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Worried about the potential damage caused by tenants or natural disasters? McCorkle Insurance has your back with comprehensive coverage that shields you from a wide range of risks.
  3. Knowledgeable Agents: As a teenager, you might be new to the world of insurance. No worries! The friendly agents at McCorkle Insurance will explain all the details in simple terms, so you can make informed decisions.
  4. Competitive Rates: Being a property investor doesn’t mean breaking the bank on insurance. McCorkle Insurance aims to provide you with the best coverage at competitive rates.
  5. Claim Assistance: In case the unexpected occurs, McCorkle Insurance will guide you through the claims process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

Remember, as a property investor in Texas, you hold great potential for success, but with that comes responsibilities. Having the right insurance coverage with McCorkle Insurance will not only protect your investments but also grant you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your portfolio.

In conclusion, property insurance is an essential safeguard for Texas teen property investors. McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas, is the agency to rely on for top-notch, tailored coverage for all your investment properties. Whether you own an apartment, single-family home, duplex, tiny home, or any other type of property, they’ve got you covered! So, go forth and invest wisely, knowing that McCorkle Insurance has your back!

Insurance 101 for Texas Teen Property Investors: McCorkle Insurance Has You Covered!

Hey there, Texas teens exploring the world of property investment! If you’re eager to dip your toes into the real estate market, it’s essential to understand the importance of insurance. Fear not, we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll break down the basics of property insurance for investors in the Lone Star State, and we’ll introduce McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas – your go-to agency for all your insurance needs!

So, what exactly is property insurance, and why do property investors need it? Well, imagine you’ve managed to snag that perfect apartment, single-family home, duplex, or even a trendy tiny home to rent out or flip for profit. Property insurance is like a safety net that protects your investment from unforeseen disasters like fires, floods, storms, and other damages. It helps ensure that you won’t be left high and dry if something unexpected happens.

Now, let’s talk about the star of the show – McCorkle Insurance. Located in Webster, Texas, they are experts in handling insurance for property investors just like you. Whether you’re dealing with a fancy downtown apartment or a cozy suburban duplex, McCorkle Insurance has tailored solutions to suit your needs.

Here are some key features they offer:

  1. Customizable Policies: Every property investment is unique, and McCorkle Insurance understands that. They will work with you to create a personalized insurance plan that aligns with your specific investment portfolio.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Worried about potential damage caused by tenants or natural disasters? McCorkle Insurance has your back with comprehensive coverage that shields you from a wide range of risks.
  3. Knowledgeable Agents: As a teenager, you might be new to the world of insurance. No worries! The friendly agents at McCorkle Insurance will explain all the details in simple terms, so you can make informed decisions.
  4. Competitive Rates: Being a property investor doesn’t mean breaking the bank on insurance. McCorkle Insurance aims to provide you with the best coverage at competitive rates.
  5. Claim Assistance: In case the unexpected occurs, McCorkle Insurance will guide you through the claims process, ensuring a smooth and stress-free experience.

Remember, as a property investor in Texas, you hold great potential for success, but with that comes responsibilities. Having the right insurance coverage with McCorkle Insurance will not only protect your investments but also grant you peace of mind, allowing you to focus on growing your portfolio.

In conclusion, property insurance is an essential safeguard for Texas teen property investors. McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas, is the agency to rely on for top-notch, tailored coverage for all your investment properties. Whether you own an apartment, single-family home, duplex, tiny home, or any other type of property, they’ve got you covered! So, go forth and invest wisely, knowing that McCorkle Insurance has your back!

Title: Hurricane Season: Prepare, Protect, and Stay Informed!

Hello, fellow Gulf Coast Texas residents! As the calendar inches closer to June 1, we find ourselves on the brink of another hurricane season. As an insurance agent with McCorkle Insurance, I am here to stress the importance of being prepared for potential storms and ensuring your insurance policies are up to date. With the 2023 hurricane season approaching, it’s time to take action and safeguard what matters most to you – your family, your home, and your peace of mind.

  1. Be Prepared with Essential Supplies:

Living in a hurricane-prone region, it is crucial to have a well-stocked emergency kit. Gather supplies such as non-perishable food, bottled water, batteries, flashlights, a first-aid kit, a battery-powered radio, and necessary medications. Remember to include important documents like insurance policies, identification papers, and proof of ownership for valuable possessions.

  1. Understand Your Current Insurance Policy:

Reviewing your insurance coverage is vital before hurricane season begins. Take the time to understand your policy limits, deductibles, and exclusions. Reach out to your insurance agent, like myself, to discuss any concerns or questions you may have. Don’t wait until a storm is looming overhead to discover gaps in your coverage.

  1. Flood Insurance: Plan Ahead for the 30-Day Waiting Period:

Flooding can be a significant threat during hurricanes, and standard homeowners’ insurance policies typically do not cover flood damage. If you don’t already have flood insurance, now is the time to consider obtaining it. However, it’s important to note that flood insurance policies have a mandatory 30-day waiting period before they take effect. Waiting until a storm is imminent will leave you vulnerable. Act now to ensure your coverage is in place well ahead of time.

  1. Paying Flood Insurance Premiums in Full:

When purchasing flood insurance, it’s essential to remember that the premiums must be paid in full before the policy becomes active. Plan accordingly to avoid any delays or lapses in coverage. Speak with your insurance agent to understand the payment options available and find a solution that suits your financial situation.

  1. Stay Informed and Follow Official Guidelines:

Throughout the hurricane season, stay tuned to reliable sources of information, such as the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and local authorities. Follow evacuation orders, if necessary, and be aware of emergency shelters in your area. Stay informed about hurricane tracking, preparedness tips, and safety guidelines issued by trusted organizations. Your safety and the safety of your loved ones should always be the top priority.

Remember, preparing for hurricane season is not just a precaution; it’s a responsibility. By taking proactive measures to secure your home, understand your insurance coverage, and stay informed, you are actively safeguarding your family’s well-being and protecting your assets.

At McCorkle Insurance, we are committed to providing you with the guidance and support you need to navigate the complexities of insurance coverage during hurricane season. Reach out to us today to review your policies, explore additional coverage options, or clarify any doubts you may have. Together, let’s make this hurricane season a time of preparedness and resilience.

Stay safe, Webster Texas, and let’s face this hurricane season with confidence!


Jason McCorkle McCorkle Insurance

The Importance of Flood Insurance in Houston, Texas: Trust McCorkle Insurance for Expert Coverage

Living in Houston, Texas, with its proximity to the Gulf Coast, offers numerous advantages. However, it also comes with the potential risk of flooding due to heavy rains, hurricanes, and tropical storms. Protecting your home and belongings from the devastating effects of floods is of utmost importance. This is where McCorkle Insurance, based in Webster, Texas, stands out as the expert provider of high-risk flood insurance coverage along the Gulf Coast and surrounding areas. Let’s delve into the significance of flood insurance and why McCorkle Insurance is the go-to agency for comprehensive protection.

Understanding the Risk: Houston, being a coastal city, is susceptible to heavy rainfall and severe weather events. The region’s flat topography and dense urbanization increase the risk of flooding, even from smaller rain events. Additionally, hurricanes and tropical storms can bring torrential rains, storm surges, and flash floods, causing substantial damage to homes and properties. Considering these factors, it becomes imperative for homeowners to be prepared for such events with the right insurance coverage.

The Importance of Flood Insurance: Floods can be financially devastating, with repair and restoration costs quickly mounting. Unfortunately, many homeowners mistakenly assume that their standard homeowners’ insurance policy covers flood damage, when, in fact, it typically does not. Flood insurance provides essential protection specifically against flood-related losses. It covers damages to your home’s structure, as well as your personal belongings, ensuring that you can recover and rebuild after a flood event.

Why Choose McCorkle Insurance: When it comes to securing flood insurance in high-risk areas like the Gulf Coast, McCorkle Insurance has established itself as the trusted expert. With extensive experience serving the local community, McCorkle Insurance understands the unique challenges and risks associated with living in flood-prone regions. Here’s why they are the go-to agency for comprehensive flood insurance coverage:

  1. Expertise: McCorkle Insurance specializes in providing flood insurance coverage in high-risk areas, making them well-versed in the intricacies of flood insurance policies and requirements.
  2. Tailored Solutions: The team at McCorkle Insurance works closely with clients to assess their specific needs and risks, offering tailored flood insurance solutions that provide adequate coverage for their properties.
  3. Local Knowledge: Being based in Webster, Texas, McCorkle Insurance has an in-depth understanding of the Gulf Coast’s flood risk landscape, ensuring their clients receive the most appropriate coverage for their unique circumstances.
  4. Carrier Relationships: McCorkle Insurance has established strong relationships with leading insurance carriers that offer comprehensive flood insurance policies, ensuring access to a range of options and competitive rates.
  5. Personalized Service: As a family-owned agency, McCorkle Insurance takes pride in providing exceptional customer service. They are committed to building long-term relationships with their clients and offering personalized support throughout the insurance process.

Conclusion: When it comes to safeguarding your home and possessions from the potential devastation of floods in Houston, Texas, choosing the right insurance coverage is crucial. McCorkle Insurance, with their expertise in high-risk flood insurance along the Gulf Coast and surrounding areas, is the trusted partner you can rely on. Their commitment to personalized service, extensive knowledge of local risks, and strong carrier relationships make them the go-to agency for comprehensive flood insurance protection. Don’t leave your home’s future to chance – ensure you have the right flood insurance coverage from McCorkle Insurance.

Regenerate response

Boat Insurance in Houston and the Gulf Coast: Protecting Your Marine Adventures with Jason McCorkle and McCorkle Insurance


Living along the mesmerizing Gulf Coast of Texas provides ample opportunities for boat owners to indulge in thrilling maritime adventures. Whether you enjoy sailing, fishing, or simply cruising the open waters, it’s crucial to protect your investment with the right boat insurance. In this blog, we will explore the significance of boat insurance in Houston and the Gulf Coast region and highlight why partnering with marine insurance specialist Jason McCorkle and McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas is a smart choice for safeguarding your marine assets.

Understanding the Importance of Boat Insurance:

Boating is undoubtedly a wonderful recreational activity that brings joy, relaxation, and cherished memories. However, as with any form of adventure, there are inherent risks involved. Accidents, natural disasters, theft, or property damage can occur unexpectedly, leaving boat owners vulnerable to financial losses. That’s where boat insurance plays a pivotal role.

Boat insurance provides coverage for a range of potential risks, including physical damage to your boat, liability for bodily injury or property damage caused to others, medical payments, and even coverage for personal belongings on board. By securing comprehensive boat insurance, you can navigate the waters with peace of mind, knowing that you’re protected against unforeseen events.

Introducing Jason McCorkle and McCorkle Insurance:

When it comes to insuring your valuable watercraft, it’s crucial to work with an insurance agency that understands the unique needs of boat owners in Houston and the Gulf Coast. That’s where Jason McCorkle and McCorkle Insurance come into the picture.

Jason McCorkle is a marine insurance specialist with years of experience serving the boating community in the Gulf Coast region. With his deep understanding of the complexities of boat insurance, he is well-equipped to guide boat owners through the process of selecting the most suitable coverage options. Jason’s passion for boating and his commitment to ensuring the utmost protection for his clients make him the go-to expert in the field.

McCorkle Insurance, located in Webster, Texas, is an established insurance agency that takes pride in providing exceptional customer service and tailored insurance solutions. With a focus on marine insurance, the agency offers a wide range of coverage options designed to meet the unique needs of boat owners along the Gulf Coast. Their team of knowledgeable professionals works closely with clients, providing personalized guidance and support to ensure every vessel is adequately protected.

Why Choose McCorkle Insurance?

  1. Expertise in Marine Insurance: McCorkle Insurance specializes in marine insurance, giving them a deep understanding of the specific risks faced by boat owners in the Gulf Coast region. They can provide comprehensive coverage options that align with your individual needs.
  2. Personalized Approach: With McCorkle Insurance, you’re not just another policyholder. Their team takes the time to understand your boating habits, vessel specifications, and coverage requirements to create a personalized insurance plan that suits you best.
  3. Trust and Reliability: As a trusted insurance agency, McCorkle Insurance has built a strong reputation for delivering exceptional service and building long-term relationships with their clients. Their commitment to reliability ensures that you have a trusted partner by your side, providing support whenever you need it.
  4. Competitive Rates: McCorkle Insurance understands the importance of value for money. They work with multiple insurance carriers to offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality of coverage.


When it comes to protecting your boat and your passion for boating along the Gulf Coast, boat insurance is an indispensable investment. By working with marine insurance specialist Jason McCorkle and McCorkle Insurance in Webster, Texas, you can ensure that your vessel is adequately protected against the risks you face. Their expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to exceptional service

State of the Texas Gulf Coast Insurance Market

The Texas Gulf Coast is a beautiful place to call home, but it’s also one of the most vulnerable areas to natural disasters. As a result, the cost of insurance has been steadily rising in recent years.

One major factor contributing to this rise is the reconstruction cost of homes and businesses. After a major hurricane or flood, it can be incredibly expensive to repair or rebuild a property. Insurance companies must take this into account when setting premiums, which means higher costs for policyholders.

Another issue is reinsurance. Insurance companies often purchase reinsurance as a way to protect themselves in case of a major disaster. However, with more frequent and severe weather events, reinsurance costs have also gone up, which ultimately gets passed on to policyholders.

Despite these challenges, there are still insurance providers that offer affordable and comprehensive coverage. One such provider is McCorkle Insurance, which has been serving the Texas Gulf Coast since 1984. They understand the unique risks and challenges facing this area and work with their clients to find the best coverage options for their needs and budget.

So if you’re feeling the pinch of rising insurance costs, don’t despair. There are still options out there, and working with a trusted provider like McCorkle Insurance can help you navigate these challenges with confidence.

Lost Cash Looking for Owner

What would you do if three-thousand dollars fell from the sky?

This Tuesday a pile of bills adding up to $3200 dollars showed up at a local recycling plant in Sunnyvale, California. Reports are pouring in from across California and the rest of the country about misplaced cash stuffed in boxes, pantries, and cans of shaving cream.

It’s up to the police to sift through the competing claims and find one that can be fully proven, otherwise the money will be placed in the city’s general fund. The excitement around this story demonstrates just how rare it is for money to “fall from the sky.” True wealth is built up slowly and steadily. Talk to us, your local agent about how you can save money on your insurance premiums today and keep your belongings more secure than a stash of cash.

Canine Rescue

80 year-old Paul Paff can now be sure that dogs really are “man’s best friend.”

The elderly man had a close call on September 22 when he went to inspect the septic tank behind his house. “I had seen this square hole. I knew it was above the septic tank and looked up and was trying to look into it,” he recalled, right before the ground beneath him collapsed, sending him to the bottom of a 15-foot well.

After hours of being stuck knee-deep in cold mud and water Paff heard the sound of a dog barking. He barked back, trying to get the dog’s attention. Eventually the dog was able to alert neighbors who brought rescue personnel to the scene.

Rapid Rescue – Home Insurance Houston

Finally, a heavy-duty crane is around when someone needs it!

17-year old Jordan Loomis and Zachary Word (presumably friends) got a lucky break after an accident in Georgetown Township (a moderately sized city in Michigan, population +45,000). Loomis ended up pinned under the Ford pickup truck after it rolled. Both teens were lucky to have survived, as neither had imagined that a seatbelt would come in handy that Wednesday morning.

A crane operator who happened to be in the area offered his services and helped police and firefighters remove the rolled truck, allowing both teens to quickly recieve medical attention.

This story could have had a much worse ending. The driver of the car that hit the teens was not injured and both young men are “in serious but stable condition” according to the local sheriff.